Invoke with StarScope
The input sample list file is a simple csv with three columns.
The first column sample
indicates sample IDs, and multiple fastq
files with the same sample ID will be concatenated before further
processing (e.g. two pairs of human_pbmc_s1
fastq files will be
cat to a single pair). Multiple samples in one single sample list
will be submitted parallelly and processed asynchronously. The workflow
supports both ThunderBio and 10X ATAC data, please use the suggested
configuration below. User could check 10X ATAC library structure
All samples in the sampleList will use the same options. Therefore, a combination of samples from different species is not supported.
We found that seq library doesn’t support fastq file with quality score larger than 40 (denoted as J in the fourth line). Please check the quality encoding on FASTQ wiki page. The error message is like:
KeyError: J
Raised from: std.internal.types.collections.dict.Dict.__getitem__:0
/scATAC_test/work/09/284782e6058425c6966542b7a70944/ line 9: 684639 Aborted (core dumped) /pipeline/starscope/scATAC-seq/codon/bin/codon run -release -plugin seq /pipeline/starscope/scATAC-seq/bin/extract_and_correct_thunderbio_barcode_from_fastq.codon TB_v3_20240429.BC1.tsv,TB_v3_20240429.BC2.tsv,TB_v3_20240429.BC3.tsv test_sample_1.merged.fq.gz test_sample_2.merged.fq.gz test_sample_1.barcode.fq test_sample_2.barcode.fq test_sample_barcode_stats.tsv 8
User could use the command below to convert “J” (Q=41) to “I” (Q=40):
for i in *.fq.gz; do zcat $i | awk 'NR%4==1{print; getline; print; getline; print; getline; gsub("J", "I"); print}' | gzip -c > ${i%%.fq.gz}".modified.fq.gz"; done
Invoke with config file
Since there are too many processes and options, we recommend to invoke pipeline with custom configuration file, which gives users more control on resources management.
starscope atac --input sampleList.csv --config example_docker.config
params {
bwaIndex = "/refdata/human/bwa2_index/GRCh38-2020-A"
genomeGTF = "/refdata/human/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A/genes/genes.gtf"
whitelist = "/barcodes/BC1.tsv /barcodes/BC2.tsv /barcodes/BC3.tsv" // TB whitelist
// trimming options used by cutadapt
// cell filtration
minCell = 10 // feature obeseved in at least "minCell" cells
minFeature = 200 // cells with at least "minFeature" features
publishSaturation = true
platform = "TB" // TB or 10X
// uncomment line below if using slurm, see
// process.executor = 'slurm'
// uncomment below chunk if using conda
// process.conda = "/home/xzx/Tools/mambaforge/envs/starscope_scATAC_env"
// conda.enabled = true
// docker setting, comment chunk below if using conda
process.container = ""
docker.enabled = true
docker.userEmulation = true
docker.runOptions = '--init -u $(id -u):$(id -g) $(for group in $(id -G); do echo "--group-add $group"; done)'
// Resouces for each process
process {
withLabel: process_high {
cpus = 16
memory = 32.GB
withLabel: process_medium {
cpus = 16
memory = 20.GB
withLabel: process_low {
cpus = 16
memory = 20.GB
withName: CAT_FASTQ {
cpus = 2
memory = 10.GB
withName: CAT_FASTQ_10X {
cpus = 2
memory = 10.GB
withName: REPORT {
cpus = 8
memory = 40.GB
cpus = 16
memory = 20.GB
cpus = 16
memory = 20.GB
withName: TRIM_FASTQ {
cpus = 16
memory = 20.GB
withName: BWA_MAPPING {
cpus = 16
memory = 32.GB
withName: STATS {
cpus = 4
memory = 20.GB
withName: DEDUP {
cpus = 2
memory = 20.GB
cpus = 4
memory = 20.GB
withName: MULTIQC {
cpus = 4
memory = 20.GB
cpus = 16
memory = 40.GB
withName: SIGNAC {
cpus = 4
memory = 40.GB
Invoke with command line options
To invoke scATAC pipeline with conda environment:
starscope atac --conda \
--conda_env /path/to/conda/env \
--input sampleList.csv \
--bwaIndex /path/to/STAR/reference/dir \
--genomeGTF /path/to/genomeGTF \
--whitelist "/path/to/BC1.tsv /path/to/BC2.tsv /path/to/BC3.tsv" \
--refGenome hg38 \
--platform TB
user will have to add --conda
and indicate conda env path with --conda_env
. To check
your env path, please use mamba env list
# conda environments:
base /home/xzx/Tools/mambaforge
starscope_scATAC_env /home/xzx/Tools/mambaforge/envs/starscope_scATAC_env
and provide the second column (e.g. /home/xzx/Tools/mambaforge/envs/starscope_scATAC_env
Required Options
: bwa-mem2 reference index path and file prefix.
For instance, a typical file structure of the index folder will be like:
## human hg38
├── GRCh38-2020-A.0123
├── GRCh38-2020-A.amb
├── GRCh38-2020-A.ann
├── GRCh38-2020-A.bwt.2bit.64
└── GRCh38-2020-A.pac
To create the index above, use the command below:
bwa-mem2 index -p GRCh38-2020-A genome.fa
user will have to provide --bwaIndex /thunderData/refdata/human/bwa2_index/GRCh38-2020-A
to starscope command.
: reference genome GTF file path.
: reference genome assembly ID.
This parameter is used to extract genome size when calling peaks with macs2
. Here we support
hg38, hg19, mm9 and mm10 for human and mosue genome. User could use --genomeSize
to indicate
genome size directly.
: StarScope scATAC pipeline supports ATAC data from both the ThunderBio and 10X genomics. Use either
or 10X
: The white list file(s) path. For ThunerBio scATAC data, whitelist files were distributed with StarScope:
├── TB_v3_20240429.BC1.tsv
├── TB_v3_20240429.BC2.tsv
├── TB_v3_20240429.BC3.tsv
└── V2_barcode_seq_210407_concat.txt.gz
Please use the whilelist option below, and don’t forget to add double quote.
--whitelsit "/path/to/starscope/whitelist/TB_v3_20240429.BC1.tsv /path/to/starscope/whitelist/TB_v3_20240429.BC2.tsv /path/to/starscope/whitelist/TB_v3_20240429.BC3.tsv"
Each sample will have a separated result folder named with sample ID. The subdirectory final
contains all the result files, including html report, fragments file (with all the barcodes)
and a list of cell associated barcodes identified (e.g. TB_PBMC_s1_raw_cells.tsv
The pipeline_info
directory contains statistics of the pipeline running resources.
├── TB_PBMC_s1
│ ├── final
│ │ ├── TB_PBMC_s1_combined_stats.tsv
│ │ ├── TB_PBMC_s1_filtered_obj.rds
│ │ ├── TB_PBMC_s1.fragments.sorted.bed.gz
│ │ ├── TB_PBMC_s1.fragments.sorted.bed.gz.tbi
│ │ ├── TB_PBMC_s1_macs2_peaks.narrowPeak
│ │ ├── TB_PBMC_s1_raw_cells.tsv
│ │ ├── TB_PBMC_s1_raw_meta.tsv
│ │ └── TB_PBMC_s1_scATAC_report.html
│ ├── multiqc
│ │ └── TB_PBMC_s1_multiqc_report.html
│ └── saturation
│ └── TB_PBMC_s1.saturation_out.json
└── pipeline_info
├── execution_report_2024-05-02_22-34-11.html
├── execution_timeline_2024-05-02_22-34-11.html
└── execution_trace_2024-05-02_22-34-11.txt
5 directories, 13 files
By default, the intermediate files will be written to subdirectory of
under the pipeline running directory, please feel free to
remove it after all the processes finished successfully.